Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why are you smiling?

No way is it almost the end of May?
Like........ where is time going? I'm not excited at all.
I would really just like time to take a chill pill or two, sip on a cocktail and slow down.
So if anyone out there has seen time, please pass on this message for me.
I am pretty tired of chasing time.

In other news, I'm pretty happy to be able to pay this little blog of mine some attention today, without my little jealous kids called assignments and tests to bother me. I also got the time to catch up on all your blogs and I kind of borrowed or stole {po-tay-toe po-taa-toe} this idea from Meg over at Life of Meg.

She had a question on her blog yesterday asking 'what makes you smile today?' and since I have been off the blog sphere for a while, I thought I would re introduce myself by listing 10 things that made me happy/smile since I was last around.

10 things that made me happy/smile

1. Fast Five {usually I am not a fan of violent movies, but this is a REALLY good movie. I have not been able to stop thinking about it since I watched it. If you have not seen it, you must.}
2. Spending quality time with the boy.
3. Painting my nails yellow {this is my first attempt at saying screw you winter, I'm still in love with summer}
4. The sun. Considering winter is creeping up on us over here, I'm glad to soak in any sun that comes my way {the last two days have been absolutely amazing}
5. Sushi. The boy and I recently discovered a love for sushi that we had no idea we had. Where were we hiding?
6. Cadbury Chocolate. I have been trying to convince myself that I really should not be eating any chocolate because a) I need to lose weight and b) I have been eating waaay too much food lately.....but....... I failed.
7. Party Rock Anthem. I love the song and love the dance even more. Someone want to teach me? Such a fun video to watch.
8. Disney Land. No, I didn't go but I wish I had. Been watching a few Disney classics lately and I pretty much just want to live them, and where better than Disney Land. {That's the kid in me talking, I swear.}
9. A month left of school and then I'm officially a graduate. *bites nails* I'm still feeling bitter sweet about it, but I'm starting to feel positive about what will happen next.
10. Knowing that I have a whole bunch of people who I love and love me right back!

Hope everyone is having a great week so far.
I had a terrible test today/ don't love, but it's a public holiday tomorrow/ love.
That's what I call balance.

What's making you smile lately?



  1. I am smiling these days because
    a) school is done
    b) enjoying 4 and a half months of wonderful marriage with my hubby
    c) I love my job

  2. Only one month left, thats great!
    I wish you the best of luck in everything!
    And that's an awesome list of "smiles" that you have!

    XO Shar

  3. I love these! Great list.


  4. oh my gosh I love this post.
    I am smiling because I got red lipstick today, from Glamour magazine! whoop!


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